
Review Us

Thank you for choosing Passing Paws

We are proud of our work and would really appreciate it if you left a review of your experience with us, so that others can benefit from what you have to say.

To write a review on Google:

Click the button below and be signed in with your Google account.

If you don’t have a Google Account, it’s really easy to create one. Just click the button above and follow these 3 steps:

  1. Click the “Write a Review on Google” button.
  2. A message will then appear asking you to sign in to your Google Account to write a review. Click the “Sign In” button underneath that message (at the bottom right).
  3. Click “Create account” and complete the Google account signup process.

Private Family

We embrace diversity at Passing Paws, working with different cultures to provide the ceremonies and traditions that give comfort and closure to you and your family.  

Speak to our caring team today about special requirements for your dog’s cremation service.

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